Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 9th January 2007 at 8 pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Eddie Winter (Chairman), Jo Wright (Vice Chairman), Liz Cargill, Adrian Hipwell, Malcolm Skinner, Clare Valori, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Dr. Murray Gray (District Councillor), Mr. Alan Burrell (County Councillor) and two members of the public.

1. Apologies:

2. Declaration of Interest:
Clare Valori declared her interest in item 6.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting:
Agreed and signed.

4. Minutes of the Planning Meeting on 2nd December 2006:
Agreed and signed.

5. Matters Arising:

a. Playing Field; Terry Hanner had completed the report but was not at the meeting. The Councillors read through the Annual Inspection. Discussion took place regarding the swing chains, whether to put a plastic covering on it or to thread rope through the chains. However, it was agreed that it would probably be better to buy new chains and the Clerk was asked to let them know what monies would be available to spend on the Playing Field at the next p.c. meeting. Meanwhile the Clerk was asked to get quotes for information signs and to get prices for swing chains. Malcolm Skinner had already ordered of bark. After some discussion it was agreed to buy the 7 a side goal posts.
Proposal: Order Socketed Heavy-Duty 7 a side posts plus net at a cost of £607.90. Proposed by Jo Wright, seconded by Malcolm Skinner, unanimous vote.
Jo Wright informed the Councillors that she had received very positive feedback from the village youngsters regarding the Shelter. They asked for seats to be installed as quickly as possible. This will be done soon. Liz Cargill and Jo Wright offered to treat the Shelter and it was agreed to do this in a brown colour. A litter bin was needed and the Clerk was asked to obtain a quote. The next report will be completed by Liz Cargill.

b. Composting; Three more bins are to be built and Liz will let Eddie know when she is ready for them to be built.

c. Village Sign; Terry Hanner was not at the meeting, therefore not discussed.

d. Village Speed Limit; The Clerk read out a letter from Norfolk County Council to Earsham Parish Council that said the situation remains the same and that a 30mph speed limit to cover the relatively small area of housing is not appropriate at this location. However, Denton has been added to the current waiting list for “Think” signs and these will be erected during Spring 2007. The Clerk was asked to respond to the letter saying that the Councillors do not accept that a speed limit is not appropriate for Denton.

e. Stiles on the Walk; The Clerk reported that had been in communication with the Footpath Officer and she would be visiting Denton this week to look at the stiles and to speak to the Landowner. She suggested that a rambler gate might be better than stiles. She would speak to the Clerk again once she had visited Denton.

f. Any Other Matters Arising; None.

6. Travellers:
The Chairman reported that the Travellers had withdrawn their Appeal and had submitted another planning application. The Residents Committee are meeting with SNC on 10th January. Eddie Winter and Jo Wright will also attend. A letter from Denton Parish Council will be written by Eddie and Jo after they have attended the meeting. They will also write regarding Grove Farm Buildings. Clare Valori asked Alan Burrell to support the Residents by writing a letter to SNC. He agreed to do this.

7. District and County Council Matters:
Alan Burrell said that he would continue to badger Highways regarding speed limits through villages. He had also received further correspondence regarding the withdrawn early morning bus service which said that Denton Parish Council had been consulted before the bus was withdrawn.

8 Questions from the Public:

9 Public Meeting Held Regarding Community Wind Turbine:
The Clerk reported that the meeting had been organized for Wednesday February 7th at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Nicola Sandell will give a 10 minute introduction and will also discuss what other energy saving things a community can do. After that Carole Randall, a Community Renewables Initiative Officer, will speak about community wind turbines. The Clerk will advertise this in the Parish Magazine and put posters in the Village Hall and noticeboard. Murray Gray said that SNC had agreed to research it.

10 Election Year – Timetable, Pre-election Campaign of Local Publicity:
The Clerk had circulated a summary of what Councillors must do to stand for election and a timetable. The Clerk will advertise for candidates in the Parish Magazine. The age of the candidate has been reduced from 21 to 18.

11. Planning:
a. Application 2006/2743, The Caravan Site, Middle Road – Retention of gypsy caravan site for temporary period of three years. This will be dealt with by Eddie Winter and Jo Wright after the meeting at SNC.
b. Application 2006/2718, Darrow House, Darrow Green – Proposed extension and garage.
Proposal: Denton Parish Council has no objections to the application as this will make the house more suitable for family accommodation. Proposed by Eddie Winter, seconded by Clare Valori, unanimous vote.
c. Application 2006/2750 and 2751, The Old Rectory, Danacre Road – Alterations, reconstruction of east wing, rationalisation of main access and garage accommodation.
Proposal: Denton Parish Council has no objections. Proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Malcolm Skinner, unanimous vote.
d. Planning Decisions; 2006/2475 – 4 Upland Terrace has been refused because the external appearance of the proposed extension falls short of the standard required in this location. Its scale and unsympathetic window design are inappropriate and the proposal would be likely to result in detriment to the character of that building.

12. Correspondence:
NCC - A letter from Debbie Bartlett asking for views on Norwich City Council’s bid to become a unitary council under the new White Paper. After some discussion it was agreed to write and state that Denton Parish Council are against it because a) the cost of doing so is extremely high and could be better used elsewhere, and b) it would be detrimental to the well being of the whole county of Norfolk.
Waveney District Council - Site Specific Allocations and Development Control Policies Issues and Options Documents. Clare Valori took to read and to ask if they have made provision for gypsy/traveller sites.
Norfolk Police Authority - Meeting on 18th January to discuss the Police budget.
NCC - Gritting Routes Leaflet. Clare Valori said that the road by the Alburgh and Denton School is not gritted and this is very dangerous. A letter had been sent last month, the Clerk will chase this up.

13. Finance:
a. Pay the Clerk £81.47 for January.
b. Pay CCN £22.50 annual subscription.
c. Pay The Rogerson Trust £170.00.
d. Pay Simon Tonkes £35 for Mole Clearing on the Playing Field.
e. Pay SNC £66.08 for Play Area Inspection.
Proposal: Pay a. b. c. and d. Proposed by Malcolm Skinner, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.
f. Received from Bungay Outney Common Owners a dividend of £100.

14. Any Other Business:
Malcolm Skinner reported that the telegraph pole in the beck needs attention. Clare said that Environmental vans had been down there in the week.
Clare Valori reported that the School has a website and she hopes that it will be well used.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm.

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