Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 13th November 2007 at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Roger Gibson, Martin Sida-Page, Clare Valori, Eddie Winter, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies:
Terry Hanner.

2. Declaration of Interest:
Roger Gibson, Clare Valori and Martin Sida-Page declared a prejudicial interest in item 10b.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting:
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising

a. Playing Field; Playing Field; The monthly report had been completed by Martin Sida-Page. No real problems, some litter around the shelter. The Annual report had been received and as there were no major problems it was decided to discuss this at a later date. Eddie Winter will sort out the bird droppings problem. Although Liz Cargill went to the SCOPE headquarters, it was locked up. However, the bin has now been emptied. Liz Cargill will complete the next report, and Adrian will do the December report.

b. Composting; Liz Cargill reported that 16.43 tonnes of green waste had been collected during the season which amounts to about 4 bins of finished compost. The figures have now been completed and passed to the Clerk to send to Norfolk County Council and it is expected that this should result in approximately £750 of credit. About £110 has been collected from sale of last year’s compost. The site is tidy and everything shredded. Five visitors from Saffron Housing visited the site and found it very interesting. Anne and Liz proposed a pre-season social for members, volunteers and householders sometime in early Spring next year. The Councillors thought this would be an excellent idea. Anne and Liz also went to a workshop in London run by the CCN.

c. Upgrade of Sewage System: The Chairman read out a letter from SNC which said that SNC has only a limited budget for the upgrade and would not be able to pay for extra capacity. After some discussion it was decided to ask Anglian Water and SNC to come out to Denton to discuss the problem. Eddie Winter and Terry Hanner will meet with them to explain the situation.

d. Cycle Racks: Nothing to report.

e. Highways: Nothing to report at the moment. It was thought that no work had been carried out recently on Middle Road, or at Pocket Park.

f. Car Parking Charges: The Clerk had received a brief letter from John Fuller which she read out. It was decided to bring this matter up with John Fuller at the Friday joint parish meeting. Murray Gray reported that no decision about car parking charges in Harleston had been made yet, although the Cabinet have said there should be consistency with respect to car parking charges. The Trade Association in Bungay, however, have tried to get an agreement that they will pay the amount collected from car parking so that Bungay could have free parking to increase the trade in the centre of the town. The Councillors commented that the centre of Diss, with car parking charges, was dying but the centre of Harleston was thriving. If car parks are to be improved then the tax payer will foot the bill unless the user pays. There will be a meeting to discuss this subject on the 29th November at the Apollo Rooms, Harleston at 7.30pm.

g. Any Other Matters Arising;
The Clerk was asked to arrange some flyers to go into the newspaper to advertize the joint parish meeting. Clare Valori and Martin Sida-Page gave their apologies for the meeting.

5. District and County Council Matters:
With regard to Gypsy and Traveller sites, Murray Gray commented that a short list of sites has been established and land owners are being consulted at the moment.
Murray Gray discussed the Government’s idea of reorganizing local authorities in Norfolk. South Norfolk Council is very much against the idea but it has a duty to find the best solution. At a specially organized meeting last week the preference seemed to be for four unitary councils in Norfolk. Each council would take on all services, including health, education and all children’s services for its area. The alternative would be to have just one council for the whole of Norfolk.
The next meeting of the Safe Neighbourhood Panel will be on 7th January 2008 and parish councils can put forward suggestions of problems that they might be encountering and that they think should be discussed.
Waveney Valley Forum will be having their first meeting on 29th November in Dickleburgh. Funds from second homes council tax, amounting to about £20,000, per year is to be used for the area and can be bid for by parish councils for any community projects.

6. Questions from the Public:

7. Affordable Housing.
Murray Gray said that the Government policy had changed in relation to rural housing and now councils will try to get affordable housing in all sustainable rural villages. When Denton lost its previous scheme, Murray Gray got an agreement that, should the policy change, Denton should be the first to be reconsidered. It is hoped that this agreement will be honoured. Wortwell and Alburgh did get funding in the previous scheme and it was decided to build 8 houses in Wortwell but as there was only enough land for 4 houses, Alburgh will get the other 4.

8. Neighbourhood Car Scheme
Ann Carden will put something in the Parish Magazine about the emergency medical care scheme which will be for doctors or dental appointments and to collect prescriptions. A list of volunteers will be put in the Village Hall.
The Clerk was asked to put a piece in the Parish Magazine about the Post Office, pointing out that if it is not used it will go.

9. Pocket Park.
The Clerk had received a quote from Mark Hammond of £150 for each cut. It was agreed that this was too expensive. Eddie Winter would ask someone from Hempnall to quote. The Clerk said that Highways has now agreed to take responsibility for Pocket Park and will be excavating the ditch to return it to its original course before Christmas. They have notified the Internal Drainage Board.

10. Planning:
a. 2007/2279 – Low Farm, Low Road, Denton – proposed roof over collecting yard for dairy cows. a. 2007/2279 – Low Farm, Low Road, Denton – proposed roof over collecting yard for dairy cows The Councillors agreed that this should be approved.
Proposal: Agree the application as it would improve the care of the dairy herd. Proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Liz Cargill, unanimously agreed.
b. Grove Farm Site. No decision made as unable to achieve a quorum.
c. Light Pollution Clause. After some discussion it was agreed to formally adopt a policy, suggested by CPRE, to add a clause regarding light pollution and what lights should be allowed, on each planning application.
Proposed by Eddie Winter, seconded by Liz Cargill, unanimously agreed. This clause will be added to the above planning application.

11. Correspondence:
The correspondence was noted.

12. Finance:
a. Pay the Clerk £83.87 for November and December 2007.
(Not on the agenda but considered necessary, pay SNC £70.50 for Annual Playing Field Inspection and pay Thomas Rogerson Trust £170.00 annual rent.)
Proposal: pay all of a. proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.
b. Part time Clerk’s Hourly Rates from April 2007 – agree to the adjustment and to pay the difference at the end of the financial year.
Proposal: agree to b. proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Liz Cargill, unanimously agreed.

13. Any Other Business:
Clare Valori reported that the school is going from strength to strength and building a fourth classroom. It wishes to continue and expand its links with the community and would welcome any volunteers that may wish to help in the school. A problem exists with parking on the road and have asked Norfolk County Council for its help.
Liz Cargill said that Liz Adeane had reported a humming noise late at night and wondered if anybody else had heard it. Nobody had.

The meeting closed at 09.35pm.

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