Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Council's Annual Meeting Held on Tuesday 14th May 2013

at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk)

1. Apologies

2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
The Chairman called for nominations for the position of Chairman. Peter Hill was nominated as Chairman by Terry Hanner, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed. Terry Hanner was proposed by Adrian Hipwell for the position of Vice Chairman, Kerry Norfolk seconded, unanimously agreed.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were proposed as a true record by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. Clarification of Representatives:
a) Village Hall Committee – Adrian Hipwell
b) Alburgh and Denton School – Jane Marlow is the Governor sponsored by the two Parish Councils. Peter Hill to act as a link between the PC and the School.
c) St.Mary's Church – Terry Hanner
d) Rogerson Trust – Terry Hanner
e) Footpaths - Wayne Mayhew
f) Denton Youth - Kerry Norfolk
g) Playing Field - Annie Whiteman
h) Allotments - Peter Hill
i) Financial Supervisor – Roger Gibson
j) Composting – Liz Cargill will continue to manage with Peter Hill representing DPC
The above representatives were proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed.

5. Approval of Accounts for Year Ending March 2013:
The Clerk had circulated a set of the accounts. The accounts were approved. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed. It was agreed to ask Liz Frere-Smith to audit the books.

6. Review:
a) Handling of Correspondence – No change.
b) Accounts Summary - No change.
c) Dates and Times of Meetings - As Kerry Norfolk was unable to attend the start of meetings on a Tuesday it was agreed to change the date of the meetings to the second Monday of the month subject to it being agreeable to Murray Gray. Review next year. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.
d) Length of Meetings – It was felt that AOB contained items that were not known of before the meeting and unnecessarily lengthened the meetings. It was agreed that if the Councillors have items that need discussing they would email the Clerk beforehand to have them put on the agenda.
e) Procedures at Meetings – No change.
f) Standing Orders – No change.

7. Any Other Business
Roger Gibson proposed a vote of thanks to the Clerk. Unanimously agreed.

The meeting closed at 8.05pm.

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