Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2015.

at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Zoe Brown, Roger Gibson, Kerry Norfolk, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Alan Henderson, Annie Whiteman, 9 members of the public.

2. Apologies
Murray Gray.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Rosemary Gibson proposed that the minutes were correct, seconded by Roger Gibson. Unanimously agreed. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. Matters Arising

5. Village Defibrillator
Alan Henderson explained that time is the essence when using a defibrillator it must be used on the patient within 5 minutes. In his opinion there would not be time to get someone to drive to the village hall, put in the code and drive back to the patient with the defibrillator. He thought that a defibrillator could still be purchased and kept in the village hall purposefully for village hall functions. He thought it more important to know how to perform CPR and how to stop heavy bleeding.

6. First Aid Course
Annie Whiteman had spoken to St.Johns Ambulance to ask them to come to the village to give people some first aid training. They could send two people and do a ‘save a life’ talk and training, including CPR, choking and bleeding, for up to 18 people. The training would be free of charge, just petrol expenses to pay for. Annie was asked to get back to St.Johns Ambulance for dates and also to ask their advice as to which defibrillator to buy.

7. Chairman's Report
Report attached.

8. County and District Council Matters
Report form Murray Gray attached.

9. Donation by Denton Parish Council for the Proposed Village Hall Extension
Terry Hanner reported that the Village Hall Committee had applied to the Big Lottery Fund, but was unsuccessful. They are hoping to get some money from SNC but that is not confirmed yet. Adnams has also been approached. The building will be built by part paid labour and part voluntary help. Denton Parish Council has been asked if it can help by donating some money.

10. Future Projects
a) Seating at Candlestick; this has been discussed a few times over the last year. The cost of a seat would be about £400. It might be used by families with young children and it might encourage people to walk the Candlestick knowing that a seat was there. Pocket Park may be a better position. Generally the opinion was that it might not be used very much.
b) Play Equipment for Younger Children; Nothing in the play area for 2 year olds. The fort should only be used by children under 5 if they are supervised by an adult. The sign should be made clearer.
c) Any Other Suggestions;

  • Adult exercise equipment – Annie Whiteman had been to Harleston to ask if their equipment was used a lot and discovered that by law now adult exercise equipment is not allowed to be placed anywhere near a children’s play area. The cost of each piece is also very expensive, averaging £1400 + VAT.
  • Easier access pathways to the school from Denton – making pathways across the countryside to the school easier to access and make people more aware of them.

11. Any Other Business

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.

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