Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 11th May 2017.

at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall

Parish Councillors Present: Peter Hill, Kay Wiltshire, Terry Hanner, Roger Gibson, Zoe Brow.
Also Present: Cllr Murray Gray (District Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk), 10 members of the public.

1. Welcome by Peter Hill

2. Apologies
Margaret Stone (County Councillor), Chris Brown, Peter Grant, David & Adele Godsmark.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were signed and dated as a correct copy by Peter Hill.

4. Matters Arising

5. Chairman’s Report
Peter Hill who (up until two days ago) has been Chairman for the past 5 years; gave a report as per attached.

6. County and District Council Matters
Cllr Murray Gray presented a report as per attached.
A member of the public asked why Denton parish council did not contribute to the car parking charges in Harleston? Peter Hill said that when this has been discussed previously it was felt that people from Denton shopped more in Bungay than Harleston.
There then followed further discussion on the car parking charges in Harleston and Murray Gray answered questions on costs.
In her absence Margaret Stone forwarded us a report as per attached.

7. Alburgh with Denton Primary School
We welcomed Hayley Sonnex, the head teacher of Alburgh with Denton Primary School.
Hayley spoke about how the school is doing and read her report as per attached.

Peter Hill then handed the rest of the meeting over to Kay Wiltshire who was elected as Chair at our AGM held on Tuesday, the 9th May 2017.
Terry Hanner gave thanks to Peter Hill for his work as chairman over the past 5 years.
Kay Wiltshire spoke on current matters and previous matters which have occurred over the previous year. Again her report is as attached.

8. Open Forum
The following topics were raised:

  • It was asked if the toilets in Harleston are a French design? Cllr Murray Gray confirmed this and said that 5 people from the council went to France to check them out and thought they were okay.
  • Discussions on the Army Cadets using the playing field for a long weekend in June. Kay Wiltshire explained how the weekend will work and that this was approved at the May Parish Council meeting.
  • Roger Gibson gave thanks to Murray Gray for all his work and help and support he has given Denton parish council.
  • The council have been thinking about holding another First Aid Course now that we have a Defibrillator.
  • Format of the Annual Parish Meetings and whether reports from local clubs and groups could be included.
  • The See-saw on the playing field is bent.
  • It was suggested that a Picnic bench on the playing field by the swings would be nice.

End of Meeting
Kay Wiltshire thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.40pm.

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