Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Village News

Green Deal for Denton

The Parish Council have announced details of how Denton residents can take advantage of the Government’s new Green Deal Scheme.

Residents may be aware from the media or elsewhere of the Green Deal Scheme, which is currently being promoted by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). The object of the Scheme is to improve the energy efficiency of properties by means of Insulation, more efficient Heat Sources and Renewables. Clearly, this is something to be encouraged. Under the Scheme the cost of these measures is covered by a loan, which is then paid back over a number of years through ones electricity bill. The concept is that the cost of the loan repayments will be offset by the savings resulting from the energy saving measures adopted. The intention is that the improved energy efficiency will result in no overall additional cost to the property owner and a saving once the loan is repaid.

It should also improve the Energy Rating of the property. If you are interested in taking advantage of this Scheme the first step requires the property to be surveyed by a Green Deal Energy Assessor, who will determine the measures which would benefit your property and the savings which should result. You are not obliged to adopt all or any of the Assessor’s proposals.

South Norfolk Council (SNC) have asked the Parish Council to promote the Scheme under an Arrangement which SNC (in conjunction with Broadland District Council) have negotiated with DECC. Under this Arrangement the cost of the Initial Assessment (estimated at £150) is FREE. In order to qualify for this saving you must be referred by a Parish Council and is subject to a maximum of 10 Referrals per Parish Council and the overall availability of funding. The funding has to be spent by 31 March 2013 and therefore any Referrals should be made as soon as possible and in any event by 11 March 2013.

For more information or for a Referral Form please contact The Chaiman of the Council, Peter Hill, on 01986 788619. You should also be aware that the Parish Council will receive £50 for each Referral under this promotional arrangement.

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