Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held on Tuesday 10th May 2011

at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall

NB These are draft minutes and are subject to correction before approval at the next annual meeting of the Council.

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Peter Hill, Roger Gibson, Adrian Hipwell, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk)

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies

7e. Standing Orders
This was brought up to the front of the agenda so that alterations could be made with regard to tenure of officers. It was proposed that the restriction of four consecutive years for the tenure of both chairman and vice chairman is removed. Proposed by Annie Whiteman. Seconded by Adrian Hipwell. All agreed.

2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Terry was nominated as Chairman, but declined to stand because of work commitments. Peter Hill nominated Liz Cargill as Chairman, seconded by Terry Hanner, all agreed.
Roger Gibson nominated Terry Hanner as Vice Chairman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, all agreed.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were signed as a true record.

4. Clarification of Representatives:
a) Village Hall Committee – Adrian Hipwell
b) Alburgh and Denton School – Jane Marlow is the Governor sponsored by the two Parish Councils, but Liz Cargill to establish direct contact with the School.
c) St.Mary's Church – Terry Hanner
d) Rogerson Trust – Terry Hanner
e) Footpaths – Peter Hill
f) Denton Youth – Annie Whiteman
g) Financial Supervisor – Roger Gibson

5. Co-option of Councillor
An application for the position of Parish Councillor had been received from Wayne Mayhew. No other verbal or written applications had been received. There was some discussion as to whether the vacancy should be advertised, but it was thought unnecessary as the end of the four year term of the Councillors had been thoroughly advertised in the Parish Magazine and on the website.
Terry Hanner proposed Wayne Mayhew, seconded by Roger Gibson, all agreed. The Clerk was asked to write to Wayne to inform him of the decision.

6. Finance:
a) The Clerk said that the annual accounts had been checked and agreed by Roger Gibson. A summary of the accounts for year ending 31st March 2011 was circulated. The Councillors agreed to ask Liz Frere-Smith to carry out the internal audit.
Proposal: Adopt the accounts for 2010/2011. Proposed by Peter Hill, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed. Copy of the accounts attached. As Eddie Winter has resigned Peter Hill was asked to be the third signatory.

7. Review:
a) Handling of Correspondence – It was agreed that this was satisfactory.
b) Dates and Times of Meetings – No change.
c) Length of Meetings – It was agreed to try and be precise and aim for 1.5 hours if possible.
d) Procedures at Meetings – It was agreed to restrict the members of the public to 5 minutes each to speak and 15 minutes overall for the public to speak unless proposed at the meeting to extend the time. It was agreed that the Chairman should make the time limit clear at the beginning of the meeting and ask members of the public to only speak through the Chair.
Annie Whiteman proposed that District and County Council Matters should be No.4 on the agenda, followed by Questions from the Public as No.5 and then Matters Arising as No.6. Seconded by Peter Hill, unanimously agreed.

9. Any Other Business

The meeting closed at 8.10pm.

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