Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 11th October 2011

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Tony Tomkinson (County Councillor), Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies
Roger Gibson.

2. Declaration of Interest
Peter Hill declared an interest in item 6c.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. District and County Council Matters
Tony Tomkinson reported that NCC will freeze council tax again next year. As the Government has given Councils some money to help keep the council tax frozen this will enable the money, that NCC had put to one side to keep council tax frozen, to be used for other things. NCC is continuing to have to save money and to help with this NCC will be tougher on landlords to keep footpaths maintained. Another £50000 has been received from the Icelandic Bank and it continues to dribble in.
Adrian asked Tony if NCC would be writing to landlords regarding the footpaths. He replied that they will not because they know what the policy is. Enforcement will be stricter and they need the help of Parish Councils to let them know when footpaths are not being kept in order. Tony was asked at what level of maintenance should the footpaths be kept in and he replied that they should be passable. If crops are planted across footpaths, then they should be made good immediately after planting. Stiles should also be properly maintained by the landlord.
Murray Gray reported that the District Council also plan to keep council tax frozen at the moment. They are still trying to save money through amalgamating services. Legal services are being discussed at the moment with County Council. Murray said that he was disappointed that the sewage pumping station in Denton has still not been adopted by Anglian Water and this means that there are still residents in Upland Terrace that are having to pay two water bills instead of one. He did think it would be adopted later this year.
He discussed the complexity of the changes to the planning system. There is currently a consultation period about site allocations and another consultation period next year when the Council has come to a decision on which sites should be allocated. Further consultations will be on planning policies that relate to how planning applications are considered. Consultations are taking place on the CIL; there will be a set rate per square metre for new development which will be paid by the developer. Murray said that the rate for this area would be £75. Money will go towards funding infrastructure. The scheme is to start next year and affordable housing will not be charged, but businesses will be. The effects of this might be smaller rooms, less development and a rise in house prices.

5. Questions from the Public
A member of the public asked if the Parish Council could do something about the light pollution at the new affordable housing site. Although there is low lighting around the houses the lights in the car parking area are very bright and are on from dusk to dawn. Liz Cargill said that she had looked at the lighting and there were three posts with yellow lights and one large disc white light. She thought the disc light was unnecessary and thought the other lights should be white light at knee height. Terry Hanner said that he had spoken to three of the residents and they were happy to have lighting in the car park but thought it should not be on all night. It was unanimously agreed to write to Saffron about the lighting. Murray said that DPC's comments would be backed up by SNC.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Terry completed the September report; the wood on the see saw is getting very rough. The front fence rail is broken and some posts have rotted. As the hedge grows the fence will not be needed, but in the meantime the fence should be mended. Wayne and Terry will repair it. Trimming had been done by Malcolm. Signs are in the process of being made. Peter Hill to do the October report.
Liz Cargill mentioned the Queen Elizabeth Challenge to stop playing fields from being sold off. However, as DPC is not the owner of the field it was agreed that it would not qualify.
b) Speedwatch; Peter Hill reported that he had chased the police up about the camera but was still waiting for a reply.
c) Globe Close; A reply to the letter sent to Saffron had been received which said that they had visited the tenant as had Environmental Health. If the neighbours could provide more information then further action would be considered. Terry will speak to the neighbours.
d) Development Boundary; The Clerk had circulated a copy of the comments made by DPC regarding a development boundary. Murray Gray suggested that DPC should make it clear that its preference is for the development boundary to be extended rather than parcels of land allocated. Murray said that he would try to help to achieve this for DPC. Peter will clarify the situation.
e) Update of Denton Directory; Liz had passed the sheets to Peter and he had found at least 21 changes that need to be made. Any further updates should be sent to Peter. Updated version will be given to all newcomers, it could also be put on the website. A notice could be put in the Parish Magazine to say that hard copies are available if anyone wants one.
f) Affordable Housing – Ditch; Water is standing in the front ditch by the entrance to the affordable housing. Liz Cargill will inform Saffron of this problem.
Liz reminded the Councillors that Saffron wish to put a time capsule in and asked what they would like to be put in the capsule. Suggestions were; parish magazine, denton directory, photographs. Lisa North is to be asked about the photos.
Liz Cargill reported that a road nameplate had not yet been placed at Skinners' Meadow. The Clerk will contact Geoff Bowen at SNC.
g) Any Other Matters Arising; None.

7. Planning Applications – 2011/1571 1Upland Terrace, Norwich Road; First Floor Extension
Proposal; Approve this application. Proposed by Liz Cargill, seconded by Terry Hanner. Peter Hill abstained, the remainder agreed. The Clerk reported that the planning application for Rose Cottage had been refused and read out the reasons for refusal.

8. Correspondence
Correspondence summaries had been circulated. The CPRE booklet on how to respond to planning applications will be circulated. The information on CIL from GNDP was passed to Peter Hill. Wayne Mayhew was interested in going to the meeting at Long Stratton on 31st October regarding small schools in Norfolk.

9. Finance
a) Accounts Summary
The accounts for September were circulated and agreed. It was suggested that the amount of £275.31 left in the account for the playing field barrier should be allocated to the playing field for equipment. This was unanimously agreed.
b) Budget for 2012-2013. The draft budget had been circulated. It was suggested that the precept should be frozen. However, Peter Hill said that the rate would increase because of the rise in council tax from the affordable housing. Adrian suggested that the £300 allocated against the playing field should be lowered to allow for rospa inspection fee only to keep expenditure down. Should there be a need to spend more money that could come out of the reserve. The final decision for the budget will be made next month.
c) Pay the Clerk £89.19 for October
d) Pay SNC revised invoice for wasp treatment of £37.82
e) Pay Mazars £144 for annual audit
f) Pay Norse £291.42 for half year playing field maintenance
g) Pay Thos. Rogerson Trust £270.00 for playing field rent
Proposal; to pay c,d,e,f and g. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.
h) The Clerk reported that the annual return had been received back and a copy had been posted on the notice board along with a notice to say that people could have a copy or view the original if they contact the Clerk.
i) It was noted that the half year precept of £1615.50 had been received.

11. Any Other Business
Peter; the footpath at Pocket Path is overgrown. However, since he visited it the footpath has now been cleared by the Highway Rangers.
Annie; information from the National Grid about pylons being installed along the Waveney Valley had been received and there will be a meeting on 21st October. Peter and Liz will attend.
Liz; there is a wasps nest at the compost site. Wayne said he would deal with it.

The meeting finished at 9.40pm.

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