Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 13th November 2012

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Tony Tomkinson County Councillor).

1. Apologies
Adrian Hipwell, Murray Gray.

2. Declaration of Interest
The Clerk had received information from NALC regarding Parish Councillors having a disclosable pecuniary interest with regard to the setting of the precept. However, within the Localism Act there is a provision to apply for a dispensation. The advice given by NALC was for all Councillors affected to submit a written request to the Clerk for a dispensation. It was agreed that each Councillor, except for Annie Whiteman who lives in Earsham, to complete the application form for dispensation and send it to the Clerk before the next meeting.
There were no declarations of interest with regard to the rest of the agenda.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting and Planning Meeting.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District and County Council Matters
Tony Tomkinson reported that NCC must save a lot more money in the next three years on top of that which has been saved over the last three years. 1600 jobs will be axed as £143 million must be saved, i.e. 10% of the budget.
Murray Gray was not at the meeting, but had sent an email that reported;
Site Specific Allocations consultation ended on 26th October with over 11,000 comments which will have to analysed. Revised plans will be submitted for an Examination in Public by an independent planning inspector next year.
Appeals to SNC regarding the Upland Terrace Pumping Station charges have come to nought.

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising:
a) Grove Farm; Although SNC had mentioned prosecution this does not seem to have happened. It was agreed that DPC should contact SNC to ask for action. Peter Hill said that he would email Murray Gray, and then, if necessary, draft a letter to the relevant person at SNC.
b) Community Reference; The response from SNC was that the Community Reference was not intended for matters affecting a single property.
c) Vertical Climbing Wall; This has been replaced and looks a lot better.
d) Compost Finance; Latest sale of compost figures have been passed to the Clerk including a cheque for £140 for sale of compost.
e) Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow; Terry Hanner had met up with Mick Loftus and it was agreed to back fill the ditch. Malcolm Skinner has been contacted to do this work.
f) Speedwatch; Nothing further to report.
g) Development Boundary; Peter Hill had made it clear about the two areas that DPC would like to see included in the development boundary.
h) Future Projects; A piece had been put in the Parish Magazine but no comments received yet.
i) Vacant Properties At Skinners’ Meadow; Nothing heard further about the upstairs property. With regard to the downstairs property; no-one from Denton or the local villages applied as it was too expensive. It was therefore passed to areas further afield.
j) Any Other Matters Arising; None.

7. Chairman's Report
Peter Hill reported that samples had been taken from ash trees in the Millennium Wood and it had been confirmed that ash die-back was evident. A representative from the Woodland Trust visited the wood along with Peter Hill and Anne Carden and found that ash die-back was fairly wide spread, although it was thought to have only been affected this year. Peter and Kerry Norfolk had attended the NALC AGM. Not very well attended but this may be due to it being in Norwich and not easy for everyone to get to. The candidates for the position of Police & Crime Commissioner were in attendance and each gave an account of themselves.

8. Playing Field Inspection
Roger Gibson reported that everything was OK. The weed killer had done a good job. He phoned about the mixed glass. Kerry Norfolk will do the next report and Annie Whiteman the one after that.

9. Budget
Because of the disclosable pecuniary interest it was decided to agree the budget in January.

10. Footpaths
Back Lane is very overgrown, but it is thought not to be included on the definitive map. It may have been a permissive farm track. Terry will walk it before January to see how bad it is. It is possible to have it put on the map, but evidence will have to be collected on how and when it has been used over the last 20 years. It was agreed to find out more information and then to clear it. Proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Kerry Norfolk, unanimously agreed.

11. Hazard Sign
DPC had received a letter from a resident asking it to explore the possibilities of placing chevrons on the sharp bend after Wood Farm as several cars had come to grief on the bend. After some discussion it was agreed that there were many bends in Denton and it would not be suitable to put chevrons on all the bends. It was therefore agreed not to place a chevron on this particular bend. Peter Hill will speak to the writer of the letter.

12. Letter to Chief Executive of SNC
The Chairman had drafted a letter to SNC regarding the shortfall of the Playbuilder funding. It was agreed to send the letter.

13. Chalara – Ash Die-Back
As mentioned in the Chairman’s Report the Millennium Wood has evidence of the disease. The advice at the moment is to leave the trees unless they are unsafe. It is hoped that the trees will build up a resistance. Peter Hill will put a piece on Denton Talk and the Website.

14. Planning Applications
Ref. 2012/1971 – The Old Dairy, Darrow Green Road. Change of Use from a Joinery Business to a Car Body Shop It was agreed to approve the application as DPC wishes to encourage small businesses in the village and to increase local employment.

15. Correspondence
No action.

16. Finance
a. Accounts Summary – The accounts summary agreed, proposed by Annie Whitman, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
b. Pay the Clerk £89.19 for November and December.

17. Any Other Business
Roger Gibson; Two drains at the bottom of Marshalls Hill, one drain in Danacre Road and two drains at the bottom of Church Hill all need to be cleared on a regular basis. The Clerk will contact the Rangers and ask them to do this work on each visit.

The meeting finished at 9.35 pm.

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