Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 9th April 2013

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Adrian Hipwell, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies
Wayne Mayhew and Kerry Norfolk.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
Roger Gibson should be added to those present. The minutes were then agreed as an accurate record, proposed by Roger Gibson, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters
Murray Gray reported;
1) SNC is about to produce a Development Management Policies Development Plan to help to determine planning applications. The consultation period is from 27th March to 22nd May. The document can be found on the SNC website.
2) Murray advised of a new street cleansing scheme. The Clerk said that she had received information about this and they would be cleaning Denton streets on 9th May.

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising:
a) Ditch at Skinners' Meadow; Terry Hanner reported that he had heard nothing further so he will chase it up.
b) Speedwatch; Peter Hill to chase.
c) Pylons; Nothing to report.
d) Parish Green Deal; At least one household in the village has received an assessment.
e) Footpaths; Back Lane will be cleared on 12th April.
f) Saffron’s Policy on Chimneys; The Clerk read out the response from Saffron.
g) Post Box; Terry Hanner had received a phone call in the middle of March to say that the box would be replaced within 2 months.
f) Any Other Matter Arising; With regard to the upstairs flat in Skinners' Meadow, Saffron had called and spoken to the tenant.
With regard to placing a salt bin at Chapel Hill, Mr. Hilyer would be more than happy to spread the salt when necessary. It was agreed to write a letter to Mr. Hilyer to confirm this. The Clerk to find out the price of a salt bin.

7. Chairman's Report
The Chairman reported that on the 15th March, along with Terry Hanner, he met Bob Edwards from Highways. On the 18th March he went to a meeting about Parish Partnership. The Council would pay 75% of the cost of work undertaken, such as improvements to rights of way or new footpaths. Not of interest at the moment, but might be considered in the future. 20th March met with the Enforcement Officer to discuss Grove Farm.
The tenant from 1 Globe Close appears to have moved out.

8. Playing Field Inspection
Adrian Hipwell reported that everything was OK except for a lack of bark under the swings. Peter Hill to find the cost of bags of bark from local garden centres. The see-saw still needs repairing. Terry agreed to get this done. Terry Hanner to do the next report.
The Clerk reported that she had heard from RoSPA that the playing field will be inspected in June.

9. Highways
Bob Edwards from Highways had visited Denton and inspected the bottom of Marshall's Hill, the gateway at the top, Alburgh Road, Chapel Hill, Norwich Road and the ditch at Upland Terrace. He also noted that a reflector was missing from the bend just past Wood Farm.

10. Grove Farm
Peter Hill reported that he had met with the Enforcement Officer and he was happy that matters were proceeding. However, he was concerned that other problems were not being dealt with and had sent a letter to SNC stating his concern.

11. Saffron Housing
No2 Skinners' Meadow has been advertised on Denton Talk. Unless it is known well in advance that a house is going to become empty it was felt that it might be difficult for people to apply as they may not be able to move quickly.

12. Pre School Allocation
Kerry Norfolk had made some enquiries and was told that places are not kept for Denton and Alburgh children and that it is a case of first come first served. Adrian said that the Pre School was a completely independent commercial company and was not formally linked with the school. It was agreed that Annie Whiteman would make further enquiries.

13. Risk Assessment
Under assets it was agreed to change 'composting equipment' for the word 'shredder'. Under compost scheme change 'usage of equipment' to 'usage of shredder'. With these alterations in place the risk assessment was agreed. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.

14. Planning Applications

15. Parish Meeting Agenda
Additions; David Godsmark re Denton Village Hall Extension. Liz Cargill re 10th Anniversary of Compost Scheme. Kerry Norfolk re Toddlers Group. The talks should be restricted to 5 minutes each and with a finish time of 8.30pm. Peter Hill said that he would send a flyer round to encourage more people, especially younger people. Wine is to be served and the Clerk will arrange tea and coffee.

16. Correspondence
Annie Whiteman has attended a meeting last year at the Forum regarding the Digital Heritage Project, but at the time funding was not forthcoming. Now money has been found from another source and a further meeting is being held on 28th April which she would like to attend.

17. Finance
a. Accounts Summary – The accounts summary agreed, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
b. Pay the Clerk £89.19 for April.
c. Pay NALC £103.33 annual subscriptions.
d. Pay NRCC annual subscription.
After some discussion it was proposed that the bronze category for the NRCC annual subscription was the better option. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed.
It was proposed to pay the Clerk, NALC and NRCC by Terry Hanner, seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed.

15. Any Other Business
The next meeting will start at 7.30pm for the AGM. It was agreed to start the normal meeting once the AGM was over and not wait until 8pm.
Murray Gray gave his apologies for the Parish Meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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