Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th October 2013

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), Margaret Somerville (County Councillor), Liz Cargill and Anne Carden (Compost Scheme), 5 Members of the Public.

1. Apologies
Adrian Hipwell.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, proposed by Annie Whiteman seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters
Margaret Somerville said that as her background was mainly in health she sat on boards connected with health, such as mental health, care in the community and community services, such as libraries, adult care, etc. She is involved in looking at what local hospitals are doing, special areas such as stroke pathways, how quickly ambulances get through, the desire to create specialist centres throughout East Anglia. Margaret also sits on the planning board.
NCC has a huge budget deficit of £189million because of the reduction in grants and other sources of funding such as council tax which has been frozen over the last few years. NCC is looking for innovative ways of reducing the deficit and has put forward a consultation document ‘Norfolk Putting People First’. They are asking the public to read the proposals and then to put their point of view.
Murray Gray reported that SNC also has a deficit due to reduction in Government funding, but will continue to freeze the Council Tax this coming year. One source of funding derives from new homes, receiving six years worth of council tax for every house being built. The decision on where that money should be spent is done by consultation ‘Your Neighbourhood, Your Choice. ’ Some money spent this year on speed awareness machines which are available to all parish councils. £823,000 is available for various projects and this year SNC ran a consultation period over the summer, followed by a recent meeting to decide on where to spend the money. It was decided to improve festive events in the market towns; helping shopkeepers to enhance their windows, The manager of Chapelfields Mall has been asked to help to improve the economic success of the market towns. Another project will be the South Norfolk Community Awards which enables anyone to nominate an individual or an organization that has done work in the community, for an award.
Grove Farm; SNC has issued summons to the owners of the farm and resident of the farm for non-compliance of the enforcement and they will appear in court on the 13th November.

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising:
a) Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow; Terry Hanner reported that this has now been done. Peter Hill to thank Malcolm Skinner.
b) Upstairs Flat at Skinners’ Meadow; an email had been received from SNC to say that the flat will be soon be available for re-letting and that Saffron will be advertising it between 24th October and 30th October.
c) Digital Heritage Project; Annie Whiteman had nothing further to report.
d) Uncultivated Allotment; Peter Hill said that there were no signs of cultivation and the site is very untidy. This contravenes the agreement and a letter of notice will be sent. Peter will speak to the person first.
e) Highways; Email received from Bob Edwards said that all drainage in Trunch Hill will be jetted, pipes along the verge checked and the grip at the point of puddling will be cleared. A kerbed spillway will be formed opposite Grove Lane, gullies in Danacre Road to be jetted and the outfall to be checked and cleared. The pipe under the entrance at Richard Lamberts field will be jetted out. All pipes and offlets in the vicinity of Uplands Terrace will be jetted. Replacement reflector posts for the bend east of Wood Farm will be done.
f) Obstruction of Bus; Nothing to report. A further complaint has come to light that due to subsequent changes in the bus times, the bus has not been arriving until 9.25am and connections to buses for Diss and Beccles have been missed. Peter Hill will follow this up.
g) Any Other Matter Arising; None.

7. Playing Field Inspection
a) Monthly inspection; Annie Whiteman reported that the grass had been cut and it looked good. Problem with faeces (probably dog) on the swing seats. Annie cleaned it up. Bark is wearing thin and could do with another load. Discussion took place regarding putting matting down instead of bark. Wayne Mayhew to do the next report.
b) Grass Cutting Contract; Peter Hill will chase it up.
c) Bench in Memory of Dennis Warren; Peter Hill has tried to contact Dennis’s daughter without success but will continue.
d) Rubbish in Recycling Compound; Terry Hanner has dealt with this. No further deposits.

8. Future of the Compost Scheme
Liz Cargill and Anne Carden explained that the compost scheme had been going for 10 years and it was time to consider its future. Bins need replacing. More volunteers are needed especially younger people. The existing site may not be available next year and the whole compost site may need to be relocated. The most suitable site would be the allotment area, this would provide a more central area for the compost, may encourage more volunteers and would make collection easier. A trailer or van to collect the green rubbish would be useful. It was suggested that more volunteers for collection may be available if the collection day was changed from Sunday to Monday. It was agreed that Liz and Anne should come back with a formal proposal of what is needed for the Compost Scheme to continue.

9. Projects Suggested at Parish Meeting
It may be appropriate to arrange a meeting once the proposal for the future of the Compost Scheme is known.

10. Highways
Already dealt with under item 6.

11. Planning Application
2013/1649 – Wayside, Trunch Hill, Change of Use from Garage/Workshop used in Connection with Adjacent Bungalow to Garage/Workshop used for the Repair and Maintenance of Garden Machinery and Motorcycles (Retrospective Application)
David Godsmark supported the application and asked for the support of DPC. He said that a workshop had always been on that property as far back as he can remember. It is very discreet and cannot be seen from the road, it is tidy and quiet for most of the time, although there is occasional engine noise because of the nature of the business. There has been a great deal of support from neighbours, residents and customers. It is important to support local businesses.
DPC agreed to support the application as it provides a service to the village and keeps young people employed. Peter Hill said that he would only support the application if the hours of business were restricted to between 8am and 6pm. It was agreed to put this on the consultation form.

12. Correspondence
No action.

13. Finance
a. Accounts summary was approved, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
b. Pay the Clerk £89.19 for October.
c. Pay £100 to Denton Village Hall for hire of hall.
d. Pay £452.80 to Norse for half year grounds maintenance.
e. Clerk’s Salary Pay Increase.
The Clerk explained that the National Joint Council had reached an agreement on pay scales for 2013-2014. The Clerk’s monthly salary will go up from £89.19 to £90.09 backdated from April 1st 2013.
The standing order form was completed and signed and the change of salary will start in November 2013. The back dated amount will be paid by cheque next month.
f. Received £200 for mini recycling centre.
Items b-d were agreed, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed. Item e was agreed, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.

14. Any Other Business
Annie Whiteman gave her apologies for the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

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