Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 12th November 2013

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), 2 Members of the Public.

1. Apologies
Adrian Hipwell, Roger Gibson, Annie Whiteman.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, proposed by Terry Hanner seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters
Murray Gray reported that five affordable houses with 2 or 3 bedrooms at Topcroft were near completion.
Saffron also plan to build five 1 bedroom properties, mainly bungalows, in Earsham and four family houses in Alburgh, although building in Alburgh will not start until next Spring as there is a problem with newts.
Denton residents are able to apply for these houses as long as they have been on the waiting list for 6 months . Allocation will go to residents of the relative villages first and then to neighbouring villages.

5. Questions from the Public
Q. Is there a waiting list for the above mentioned properties? A. Not known.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Uncultivated Allotment; A letter has been sent. To be discussed at the next meeting.
b) Obstruction of Bus; Peter Hill has spoken to Alburgh PC and the Head of the School and has suggested that the Police are notified when the events occur that cause problems with parking and to ask the Police to come along on those days to stop people from obstructing the road.
c) Any Other Matter Arising; Highways - the work at Upland Terrace does not appear to have been done yet. Peter Hill said that he had received from the library the new book ‘Local Councils Explained’ and said that he thought it was very easy to understand and a useful book to have. To be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

7. Playing Field Inspection
a) Monthly inspection; Wayne Mayhew said that the bottle banks were full and he had telephoned to get them emptied. He still had not cut the hedge but planned to do it shortly. Terry Hanner to do the next report followed by Peter Hill in December.
b) Grass Cutting Contract; No further news yet.
c) Bench in Memory of Dennis Warren; A letter has been sent.

8. Local Plan – Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document
Murray Gray explained that DPC has the opportunity to respond to the consultation document to say that ‘DPC does not think that the plan is sound’ and to give reasons for its statement. Murray suggested that DPC uses the same information as they used for the Calor Gas competition, explaining that Denton is self sustaining and describing the way Denton works as a community.
It was agreed that Peter Hill will respond to the consultation and will attend the hearing. Proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.

9. Budget for 2014/2015
A draft budget was circulated by the Clerk. At the moment it is not known what the grant payment will be. To be discussed in January and the precept set then.

10. Joint Parish Meeting
Terry will speak to a Denton resident regarding Broadband.

11. Compost Scheme
Liz Cargill has produced some costs for relocating the compost site to the piece of land between the playing field and the wood. Two prices have been produced, £2510 and £1788, they include planning permission, site preparation, construction of new bins, hard standing, hedging/fencing, purchase of 100 bags, water storage and a shed.
A further cost of £2400 is suggested for the purchase of a trailer. More information is needed before further discussion can take place.

12. Planning Application; 2013/1892 – Risedale, Norwich Road – Extension to Side Dwelling.
Works to Include Removal of Existing Conservatory. DPC was told that the roof lights will almost certainly not go in. DPC was in full support of the application and said that it would improve the property. Proposed by Kerry Norfolk, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.

13. Correspondence
No action.

14. Finance
a. Accounts summary was approved.
b. Pay the Clerk £90.09 for November and £90.09 for December
c. Pay £270.00 to Thomas Rogerson Trustees for annual rent.
Pay b and c – proposed by Kerry Norfolk, seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.

15. Any Other Business
Peter Hill explained that the term of office held by Jane Marlow the School Governor representing Alburgh and Denton parishes was about to end and she would like to stand again. It was agreed that DPC is happy to nominate her for the position.
Peter Hill said that now the fields have been ploughed it was not easy to see where the footpaths are and a lot of the footpath signs have disappeared. He has spoken to Highways and he is waiting for a response. Wayne said that the sign at the bottom of Roundhouse Hill had broken. Terry will report this to Highways.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

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