Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Monday 13th October 2014

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies<.br> Roger Gibson.

2. Declaration of Interest.
Annie declared an interest in item 15a. Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Terry Hanner and Annie Whiteman declared an interest in item 12.

3. Dispensation for Item 12.
Due to the fact that only two Councillors would be able to vote on item 12 because the others had declared an interest, it was agreed to grant a dispensation for Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Terry Hanner and Annie Whiteman.

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.

5. District Matters and County Council Matters
Murray Gray; 13 days into the new recycling regime and it is going very well. It is hoped that there will be an increase in the output from 57,000 tons per year to 86,000 tons per year. The actual material that is going into the Recycling Centre is changing, there is less paper as people buy less newspapers and more cardboard due to increased purchasing on line. The payment of £200 will still be paid to DPC for the mini recycling centre even though it may not be used as much.

6. Questions from the Public.

7. Matters Arising:
a) Footpath to Post Office; The work has been completed and payment made.
b) Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow; The pump has been changed at the Treatment Plant and should work properly from now on. However the smell is still there. As the pump was installed about a month ago, it was thought that the smell should have gone. Peter Hill will contact Saffron.
c) Bus Timetable; The Clerk had written a letter of complaint but had not received a response. No further action to be taken.
d) Any Other Matter Arising; Annie had discovered that even if DPC had agreed to purchase some adult exercise equipment it would not be allowed to be installed by the children’s play area.

8. Playing Field Inspection.
a) Monthly inspection; Roger Gibson had done the inspection and reported that weeds were coming through in the car park and under the swings. The new slats on the seats look good. Mr Ron Phillips had done this work and it was agreed to send him a letter of thanks. Annie Whiteman to do the next report.
b) Playground Matting; Work will commence on first week of November.
c) Dog Signs; Proof has been agreed and sign ordered.

9. Projects; Defibrillator.
Added costs such as installation, spare pads, gloves etc brings the total price to £1600.It was agreed that it was important for people to be trained. Annie will speak to St Johns Ambulance to see if they could do a training course for Denton residents. As long as the cost is reasonable DPC will cover the cost of training. Peter Hill will send off the application for a grant.

10. ACE Team.
Adrian Hipwell reported that the Steering Group had met and looked at three areas. Pocket Park; it was agreed to try and leave it as a wildlife conservation area. 50 shrubs and 5 trees to be purchased at a cost of approximately £250. Nettles to be cut back this year and next until shrubs grow up. Brambles will be mulched or removed. DPC agreed that this work should be carried out and would cover the cost of the materials
Allotment Meadow; the place where the fire has been will be levelled. Blackthorn suckers have grown out from the hedge and need to be removed. This area is to be kept just as a meadow and will be mowed on a regular basis. Could be cut by Norse. This area could be turned into a wildflower meadow in the future.
Pond on Norwich Road; If it was opened up on the road side this could cause a safety issue and if it is opened up on the other side the people walking on the footpath would not be able to see it. Therefore this area to be left for now.

11. Status of Back Lane.
Nothing to report.

12. 12. Sewer.
The Clerk was asked to find out more information. Peter Hill to speak to Saffron about it.

13. Local Plans.
Gypsies and Travellers; No comment to be made.
Long Stratton Area Plan; No comment to be made.

14. Uncultivated Allotments.
After some discussion it was decided that the uncultivated allotment holder should be given 6 months in which to show that he does want to keep the allotment by doing something positive to it. If he does not do this he will be asked to surrender the plot.

15. Planning Applications.
a) 2014/1000 – Northside Cottage, Middle Road, Denton; proposal to erect pre-fabricated steel sectional building for tractor shed/garage
It was agreed to approve the plans, but with the comment that DPC did not think that the material proposed was appropriate to the surroundings. br b) How Plans are Sent to Parish Councils; The Clerk had received a communication from SNC regarding the plans that are sent to Parish Councils in which they gave three alternatives to sending full scale plans. DPC chose to receive the plans still sent but as A4 copies.

16. Correspondence
Nothing to report.

17. Finance
a) Accounts Summary was approved, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.09 for October.
c) Pay Denton Village Hall £100 Annual Rent.
d) Pay Norse £512.51 Half Yearly Maintenance Fee.
e) Pay RoSPA £99.60 for Annual Inspection.
f) Received £200 for Mini Recycling and £1500 Final Half of Precept.
Adrian Hipwell proposed to pay b,c,d, and e. Seconded by Annie Whiteman, unanimously agreed.

17. Any Other Business
Adrian Hipwell; Jane Marlow had handed in her resignation as a School Governor. The constitution of the Governing Body will be changing next year and Denton will lose a nominated governor.
Peter Hill; Hedge overhanging on Trunch Hill and also on Alburgh Road; Peter and Terry will speak to the necessary people.

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm.

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