Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 10th March 2015

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Roger Gibson, Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Kerry Norfolk, Annie Whiteman,Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor)

1. Apologies.
Terry Hanner.

2. Declaration of Interest.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed as an accurate record by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Peter Hill. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters
Margaret Somerville sent her apologies but emailed the following report.
1. NCC has been reviewing the Committee system resulting in a more transparent, committee led, decision making process.
2. Her party fought the reductions in adult social care and persuaded the Council to make some more money available to reduce the impact of cuts. The Adult Social Care Service is now part of an integrated service with Health, sharing some parts of the budget to reduce avoidable admissions to hospital.
3. Roads are suffering as the budget cuts hit, but potholes are being repaired and top dressings applied to some road surfaces.
Murray Gray reported the following items:
1. Murray had proposed the Denton Composting Scheme for an award and he was pleased that it had received a commendation award.
2. This year the Council gave all their members £1000 to spend within their wards and this will happen again next year. The Neighbourhood Chairman will have £30,000 next year to spend within the Waveney Valley.
3. Murray managed to secure a debate about the new toilets at Harleston, but installation of toilets in other market towns will go ahead.

5. Questions from the Public.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow; Peter Hill reported that Saffron had an independent report done and Peter Hill has asked for a copy of that report. The Residents of Skinners’ Meadow have been informed by Saffron of the situation.
b) Welcome Letter; Annie Whiteman said that the welcome letter that Peter Hill sends out is very good.
c) Norse Contract; The Clerk said that Norse had sent the wrong letter with the contract and that the pre and post maintenance had been removed from the contract in 2013. However, they will honour the mistake and will do pre and post maintenance this year free of charge.
d) Noticeboard; this has been removed for repair.
e) Any Other Matter Arising;
Back Lane – Peter Hill had further correspondence from NCC. Formal declaration would be the simplest procedure. Alburgh PC and Denton PC will speak to the respective land owners.
The damaged Skinners’ Meadow road sign has not been repaired or replaced, but a new road sign has been installed opposite. The Clerk to speak to SNC.

7. Playing Field Inspection.
a) Monthly inspection; Peter Hill reported that all equipment could do with a good clean. Lots of stones on the new grass area. The locks have been removed from the bin by the shelter. The hedge between the car park and No.8 Globe Close is encroaching into the car park. Peter Hill reported that the pre-season treatment has been done. Wayne Mayhew to do the next report.
Grassing the area around the willow structure and purchase of play area equipment for younger children to be put on next month’s agenda.
b) Norse Contract; A quote had been received from TOP Garden Services. After some discussion it was proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Terry Hanner, and unanimously agreed, to continue with Norse for another year, but for the monthly inspection to include comments on whether the grass had been cut.

8. First Aid Course.
Annie Whiteman has spoken to St.John’s Ambulance and they are able to provide CPR and first aid training free of charge. It was decided to discuss this further at the Annual Parish Meeting to find out how many people would be interested.

9. Annual Parish Meeting – Agenda.
Peter Hill confirmed that Alan Henderson will be able to attend on 21st May to speak about defibrillators. Annie Whiteman will also speak about the First Aid Course. The Clerk to advertise the meeting in April Parish Magazine. More information to go in the May edition of the Magazine.

10. ACE Team.
Nothing to report.

11. Planning Applications; 2015/0279 Woodgate, Darrow Green Road – Erection of a Single Storey Extension on the Front of the Existing Property
Approved, proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed. Reason; there is a requirement for additional space and the proposed extension will enhance the appearance of the property.

12. Correspondence
NPFA have further funding from April 1st.

13. Finance
a) Accounts Summary was approved, proposed by Annie Whiteman , seconded by Wayne Mayhew, unanimously agreed.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.29 for March.
c) Pay CPRE £36 annual membership.
Annie Whiteman proposed to pay b and c. Seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.

15. Any Other Business
Adrian Hipwell; would the Parish Council be prepared to make a donation to the extension of the Village Hall. It was decided to put this on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting when a member of the Village Hall Committee would speak.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.

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