Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 12th January 2016

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Kerry Norfolk, Kay Wiltshire, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies
Margaret Stone.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed as being correct by Terry Hanner, seconded by Roger Gibson. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters
Murray Gray; SNC will be trialling the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme. Saffron has said that this scheme will not affect the tenants at Skinners’ Meadow. Murray still has some money that can be used to fund projects.
Margaret Stone sent a report which was read out by the Clerk.

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising
a) Skinners’ Meadow; The smell has not been noticed recently although the water level is higher at the moment. Peter Hill will write to Saffron to thank them for the work that has been done.
c) First Aid Course; The first aid course will take place on Thursday 14th January.
d) Better Broadband; A response from Karen O’Kane states that Denton is included in the second rollout. Once a survey is completed the Survey Pack is sent to the Parish Council and implementation usually follows within 6-9 months.
e) Any Other Matters Arising; None.

7. Playing Field Inspection
a) Monthly inspection; Peter Hill reported that the dog sign has still not been erected. Terry will speak to Wayne. There were no bags in the bins and people are using the bins to dispose of dog excreta and nappies. Leaves and branches are in the recycling area but it is too wet to deal with at the moment. The soil around the willow structure will be dealt with by Terry. Roger Gibson will do the next inspection.
b) Quotes for Ground Maintenance; the Clerk had received three quotes. The quote from Norse was the cheapest. Martin Whyberd’s quote was about £100 more but TOP Services quote was much more costly. The Clerk was asked to contact Scole Parish Council to ask if they would recommend Martin Whyberd. The Clerk will obtain further quotes to discuss at the next meeting.

8. Allotments
There are two vacant allotment plots. The Clerk will advertise these in the Parish Magazine. The Clerk had received a letter from the Community Rehabilitation Unit and it was suggested that they may be able to cut the rough area around the allotment. Peter will contact them and find out more. Martin Whyberd had quoted £100 to cut that area.

9. Pocket Park
This area could also be maintained by the Community Pay Back Unit. Martin Whybread had quoted £80 to cut this area.

10. Composting
Peter Hill will attend a meeting with Ann Carden and Liz Cargill to discuss the future of the composting scheme. He will report back next month.

11. Road Signs
A number of road signs in Denton are in very bad repair. The Clerk to ask SNC to repair or replace.

12. Replacement of the Parish Clerk:
A letter of resignation had been received from Pauline Sandell, Parish Clerk. The Clerk to ask NALC to advertise the position in their weekly newsletter and to advertise it in the Parish Magazine

13. Planning Applications
None. The Clerk explained that SNC would no longer be sending out paper plans. The Councillors will be able to find the plans on the SNC Planning website.

14. Correspondence
It was decided not to take part in the annual Litter Pick. It was agreed to ask residents to cut out the vouchers in the EDP and to put them in a box held at the Village Hall Bar so that if 500 are collected the Parish Council could put in a bid for a grant of between £250 and £2500. The Long Stratton Area Action Plan is undergoing modifications and the consultation period will finish on 25th January. One of the modifications is to remove the word ‘roundabout’ at the Hempnall Crossroads and replace it with ‘junction improvements’. It was agreed to send a letter of objection to SNC.

15. Agree Budget for 2016-2017 and Set Precept
It was proposed to increase the precept from £3000 to £3300 because of the increase in the cost of grounds maintenance. Proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Peter Hill, unanimously agreed.

16. Finance
a) Accounts Summary.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.29 for January.
c) Pay Thomas Rogerson Trustees £270.00.
d) Received £125 for Outney Common Holding.
The accounts summary had been circulated. It was proposed to accept the summary and to pay b and c. Proposed by Roger Gibson seconded by Kay Wiltshire, unanimously agreed.

17. Any Other Business
Concern was expressed about mud that was deposited on the road by the Parish Boundary with Earsham and Bedingham. This has been cleared up now. Terry Hanner will speak to the farmer that has deposited mud on Chapel Hill.
Drains at the bottom of Marshalls Hill and Church Hill are blocked with leaves and causing flooding. Drains around the Grove Farm area also need attention. The Clerk was asked to speak to Highways about this.

The meeting closed at 9.38pm.

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