Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 12th April 2016

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Grant, Kay Wiltshire, and Bernice Higgins (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), Margaret Stone (County Councillor for Clavering).

1. Introduction of New Clerk
Bernice Higgins as of 1st April 2016.

2. Apologies
Kerry Norfolk, Zoe Brown.

3. Declaration of Interest.
Roger Gibson declared an interest in item 7a.

4. Minutes of Meeting held on 8th March 2016.
The minutes were proposed as being correct. The minutes were signed and dated.

5. District Matters and County Council Matters.
Margaret Stone outlined proposals for Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge to merge under one Mayor.
Murray Gray confirmed that waste collection date will change by 6th June. This will affect 15% of South Norfolk residents. Monday collection days are certain to change due to bank holidays. Publicity to follow.

5. Questions from the Public

7. Matters Arising
a) Grove Farm; Letter sent to chief executive of District council – court case TBC.
b) Any other items; None.

8. Playing Field Inspection
a. Monthly Inspection; Zoe to report back at next meeting.
b. Padlock; Terry has the lock and will put it on the gate.
c. Grass cutting; Norse to be chased about not fulfilling contract. Grass cutting to be recorded. Letter to be sent to Norse informing them that key for gate at number 13 Norwich Road and highlight grass was not cut on 30th March and we are concerned that grass cutting of both field and play area are not being done as per contract.
d. Soil; Around Willow – Terry to sort.

9. Review of Parish Meeting held on 10th March 2016 and any matters arising.
a. Defibulator; Margaret Stone (Former Health Care Worker) Highly Recommends for village – to be discussed at next meeting.
b. Traffic; Parking is an issue on Trunch hill (bend) and Chapel.
Kay provided information on Stickers for bins. A low costs compromise. Permission from South Norfolk council is needed to stick them on bins. Cost can be subsidised per sticker needed.
South Norfolk Council has Speed Guns to borrow – 6 volunteers needed. Possibly advertise for volunteers in Parish News. To be discussed further in next meeting.
c. Any other Items - None.

10. Allotments
4 spaces – only one used. Reletting a possibility .

11. Pocket Park
Path Cleared. Peter Hill will contact Norfolk Wildlife Trust

12. Composting
Original site cleared apart from one heap to be sorted – Denise to have meeting with John Chapman and Ken.
Liz to explain to Denise – planning permission / contamination details for new site.
New site to be agreed – Area behind Playing field proposed.
DPC agreed to support Composting behind playing-field. Site to be started ASAP.

13. Planning Applications.

14. Correspondence

15. Risk Assessment
To be discussed at next meeting.

16. Transparency Code

17. Finance
a) Accounts Summary. Ground Maintenance cost cut due to contract not fully fulfilled.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.29 for April.
c) Pay NALC £111.61 annual subscription.
c) ay SNC £75.77 Annual charge for emptying dog bin.
c) Previous Clerks Expenses 01.04.15 – 31.03.16 £167.30.

18. Any Other Business 1. Meeting held to discuss celebration of Queens 90th. Sunday 12th June 2016.
Applied to South Norfolk for funding. Terry Hanner asked if PC would contribute to Queens 90th Celebration. Agreed in principle at meeting.
2. March EDP Tokens sent off – result to come in on 16/17 April 2016.
3. Both Alburgh with Denton Primary and Nursery Schools had received an “Outstanding” OFSTED result.

The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.

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