Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 12th July 2016.

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Kerry Norfolk, Roger Gibson, Peter Grant, Kay Wiltshire and Zoe Whiting (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Introduction of new Parish Clerk.
Zoe Whiting starting on 1st July 2016.

2. Apologies.
Zoe Brown and Terry Hanner.

3. Declaration of Interest.

4. Minutes of Meeting held on 14th June 2016.
Item 8 should read ‘Roger Gibson seconded’. The minutes were proposed as being correct. The minutes were signed and dated.

5. District Matters and County Council Matters.
Report from Murray Gray, regarding the new refuse bin collection days, there have been a few outlying homes that have missed out on their bins being collected.
Murray advised that more resources are being put in place this week, but to let him know of any future problems.

6. Questions from the Public.

7. Matters arising from Meeting held on 14th June 2016.
Kerb on Norwich Road – Terry Hanner has spoken to the Highways department a meeting has been arranged between them and Malcolm Skinner.

8. Appointment of Vice Chairman.
Terry Hanner would like to stand down as Vice Chairman. Peter Hill proposed Kay Wiltshire for this position, this was seconded by Kerry Norfolk and was unanimously agreed by remaining councillors, Kay accepted but reserved her position regards to future

9. Playing Field Inspection.
a. Roger Gibson reported the Playing Field to be quite tidy, but the hedge on the car-park side and the willow structure needed a prune.
It was decided that Peter Hill will ask John Chapman for a quote to trim the hedge and ask his advice on the willow structure; this was proposed by Kay Wiltshire and seconded by Roger Gibson.
b. The glass recycling bank is full; Roger Gibson will phone to get it emptied.
c. Kay Wiltshire to do the Playing Field inspection for the next two months.

10. Traffic.
Kay Wiltshire advised that residents have been very pleased that the Parish Council has listened to their speed worries. There has been a good response for the 30 mph speed awareness stickers for wheelie bins, these have only been issued for the black and green bins so far. As more stickers were not budgeted for it was decided not to purchase any more stickers at the moment for brown bins but Kay will keep a list of people who would like them.
Kay has spoken with a man from Norfolk County Council regarding flashing speed signs, there are the following options, so far:
a. A Flashing speed sign which can be loaned for free. This does need to be manned and it was suggested this could be done in hourly shifts; it can be moved around the village but the position does need to be agreed with South Norfolk District Council.
Murray Gray said he will ask South Norfolk Council if they are still doing this and get details of the length of time the signs are loaned for. b. Two permanent flashing signs similar to those in Alburgh which cost in the region of £4500.00.

11. Defibulator.
Zoe Brown has made some enquiries but it has been difficult to find details as to the best model to purchase so far. Kay Wiltshire said she will also make more enquiries.

12. Training.
Kay Wiltshire and Zoe Brown attended the Norfolk Association of Local Council’s ‘Councillor’s Course’ at Sprowston, which Kay had found interesting and helpful with a lot of information crammed into the time.
Kerry Norfolk and Peter Grant expressed an interest in attending a similar course perhaps next year if they are at a convenient time.
There is also a Clerks course in October, but Zoe Whiting was unable to attend this but would like to do one next year.
We will contact Norfolk County Council to find out details of next year’s courses.

13. Planning Applications.

14. Correspondence.
Letter received from Harleston Town Council asking for a contribution from Denton towards the cost of maintaining the free car-parking in Harleston.
Murray Gray advised that Harleston does have to pay South Norfolk Council several thousand pounds per year to keep their free parking.
It was decided, as per previous years, for Denton not to contribute this year, proposed by Peter Hill and seconded by Peter Grant and unanimously agreed by remaining councillors.
Letter received from South Norfolk Council regarding the Appeal by Mr Stuart Carruthers re. Grove Farm, Middle Road, Denton, DCLG Reference APP/L2630/X/16/3142008. This will be determined on the basis of an Informal Hearing which will be held on 2nd August 2016, we have been invited to attend, Roger Gibson said he will attend.

15. Finance:
a. Pay the Clerk £90.29 for July.
b. Liz Frere-Smith’s bill for the internal audit - £35 agreed.
c. Norfolk Association of Local Council’s bill for the two Councillor’s courses - £110.00 agreed.
d. Norfolk County Council bill for 30 mph wheely bin stickers - £75.00 agreed.
These invoices were proposed by Peter Hill and seconded by Roger Gibson.
Accounts Summary for April was distributed to councillors with a more up-to-date one to be completed for the next meeting.
Clerk to contact Barclays Bank to change the correspondence address from Pauline Sandell to Zoe Whiting.

16. Any Other Business.

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