Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 11th October 2016.

Present: Peter Hill (Chairperson), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chairperson), Kerry Norfolk, Zoe Mancroft-Brown, Terry Hanner, Peter Grant and Zoe Whiting (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor) and 18 members of the public.

1. Apologies received from:
Apologies received from: Roger Gibson and Margaret Stone (County Councillor).

2. Declaration of Interest.

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 13th September 2016.
The minutes were proposed as being correct. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters.
Murray Gray reported on the Norwich/Broadland local plan which has identified sites for building of new houses these will be released at the end of October but have not been approved for planning by South Norfolk Council.
Margaret Stone sent a report advising the decision on the Devolution will be made by Norfolk County Council on 21st November.

5. Questions from the Public.

6. Matters arising from Meeting held on 13th September 2016.
Malcolm Skinner has very kindly volunteered to clear the Playing field ditch and cut the hedge alongside the track on the Playing field side.
Terry Hanner will contact Bob Edwards about the road which floods by the church when we have had sufficient rain.

7. Playing Field.
Tape has been taken down around the willow structure as the wasps have gone.

8. Defibrillator.
The defibrillator has been placed in the entrance hall of the Village Hall, it has been included in the Village Hall’s insurance and Bernice Higgins will be checking it each week to make sure it is ‘rescue ready’. Kay Wiltshire has the spare pads and other kit at her home until the village hall extension work is finished.
Kay Wiltshire was thanked for all her work in making this happen.

9. Traffic.
For permanent flashing speed signs we have been quoted around £7000 each although a grant may be obtainable to cover half the cost. More enquiries will be made this month.

10. Kerb on Norwich Road.
Bob Edwards to be contacted about this.

11. Pocket Park.
Peter Hill is arranging a meeting to talk to Norfolk Wildlife Trust about this.

12. Training.
The schedule for next years Councillor’s & Clerks courses has not been found out yet.

13. Planning Application.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Greenmore
Location: Rainbows End
Proposal: Retention of use as dog breeding facility.
17 members of the public attended the meeting to discuss this application including Mr Greenmore who answered questions and concerns from residents.
After much discussion, the Parish Councillors all agreed our response to this application was to advise refusal, due to the noise from the dogs – loss of amenity, the position being in the residential area of the village, extra traffic that would be created and concerns over waste management.
Zoe Mancroft-Brown has agreed to represent Denton Parish Council at the South Norfolk Council Planning committee meeting if it takes place.

14. Correspondence:
a) BT will be removing our payphone from opposite the Village Hall, it was agreed that we would like to retain the kiosk to be a mini library and to ask BT if we could have an old style red box.
b) Norfolk ALC AGM to be held at East Tuddenham VH on 26th November, councillors were interested and the clerk will forward the newsletter that advised this to them.

15. Finance:
a) Accounts summary was approved.
b) Cheques signed for Cardiac Science £1008.00 for defibrillator, £30.00 to Mazars for the accounts external audit additional work, Cheque for £29.88 to be cashed to bring the Petty Cash balance up to £50.00.
c) The original Petty Cash book which had been lost has been located.

15. Any Other Business.
a) We have been contacted by a resident who has complained about the speed that farming traffic is travelling in the village. It was decided to send a polite letter to Century Farms asking the driver’s to consider their speed.
b) Zoe Whiting advised she would like to resign from the position of Clerk, due to work and family commitments, it was agreed to discuss this at next meeting.

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