Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 at 8.00pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Peter Hill (Chair), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chair), Terry Hanner, Peter Grant, Roger Gibson, Zoe Brown.
Also present: Mrs. M. Stone (County Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk), 4 Members of the public.

Welcome by the Chairman.

To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Dr. M. Gray (District Councillor) sent his apologies which were accepted. Kerry Norfolk was also absent.

To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:
Roger Gibson declared an interest in Item No. 15.

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the January 2017 meeting were approved and signed by Peter Hill, Chairman, as a correct record.
Under Item 9 – speed monitor was changed to ‘air tubes’.

The meeting was adjourned from 8.05pm to 8.23pm for public participation:
A member of the public raised concerns about Grove Farm Buildings.
A member of the public said that dirty nappies have been left in the bins on the playing field. It was asked if we could put a notice up asking parents/carers to take dirty nappies home. Mrs. Stone said that this is a public health issue and can be enforced. It was agreed to put a notice up and Kay Wiltshire offered to do this.

Reports from County and District Councillors:
Dr. M. Gray in his absence sent the following report:
  • The Boundary Commission published its final recommendations and they have not changed their minds from their original proposals, i.e. from 2019 Denton will be part of a two member ward stretching from Alburgh to Geldeston.
  • The parish governance review starts its consultation on 20 March to run for 12 weeks. During this time we need to come up with any firm proposals for moving our parish boundary, e.g. by including parts of Earsham parish. Dr. Gray suggests putting this on our April agenda and he will be able to help us with this.
Margaret Stone gave the following report:
  • The Norfolk County Council budget has been agreed in such a way to ensure all essential services are maintained. Children’s services is £9 million overspent. 1300 children in care. NCC do not run the schools but run social services for children and any child excluded from school. Special schools need to be found to educate and support these children. Adult Social Care is almost £12 million overspent - costing more as demands on the service are increasing. People are living much longer, however many live with long term conditions which they need support for. are all over spent. Council tax has increased by 4.8% with 3% specifically going to adult social care.
  • There will be a new roundabout and bus lay-bys at Hales with funding from highways.
  • The Loddon roundabout is also due to start by the end of this month with South Norfolk paying for its construction up front before houses are built.
  • The British Red Cross – The Norfolk Older Peoples Outreach Service. This is a service which is offering a lot of support for older people.

To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:


Playing Field Report:
Peter Hill has done the playing field inspection for the last two months. It was agreed to put grass seed around the areas on the low structures up to the Willow. Terry Hanner will do this.
The playing field inspection folder – As this is getting rather large it was agreed to discard some of the older sheets and just keep a year’s worth of sheets. Kay Wiltshire will update the playing field rota.

To discuss a request to start meetings at 7.30pm instead of 8.00pm:
This was discussed and all thought this was a good idea. It was agreed to start meetings at 7.30pm from the AGM in May.

To discuss SNC Big Litter Pick 2017:
SNC are again carrying out their Big Litter Pick this year. It was agreed not to take part in this.

To discuss Norfolk ALC Transparency Code and related Funding:
The next deadline for applications for the transparency fund is 20 March 2017. This is a fund available to help comply with the Transparency Code. The clerk will look further in to this.

To discuss 30 mph speeding zone:
Kay Wiltshire has contacted PC Squires again re the air tubes. She has received an email from him stating that a traffic manager did come to Denton to deploy the air tubes on Norwich Road but unfortunately due to almost all the houses having off road parking he was limited to where he could deploy the tubes. The only clear place to deploy the equipment was where the road was made of concrete and his nails bent so he was unable to do this. He then goes on to say that the make-up of this road being narrow in places would make it difficult for excessive speed and it is likely that the road is only used regularly by local people, since it is quite away from main routes. He then suggests we could adopt Community Speed Watch.
Peter Hill will contact PC Squires to let him know that we are disappointed with the outcome and that the air tubes could not be deployed.
It was agreed to purchase 20 additional 30mph stickers for the Wheelie Bins. These are priced at £2.50 each, making a total cost of £50.00. All were in agreement with this. Kay Wiltshire will organise this.

To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting/AGM:
It was agreed to hold the AGM on 9th May 2017 to start at 7.30pm.
It was agreed to hold the APM on 11th May 2017 to start at 7.30pm.

To discuss Grove Farm Buildings:
This has already been discussed in public participation.

To discuss UK Power Networks – Helping vulnerable people in the community:
UK Power Networks delivers electricity to the homes and businesses in the local community. Major Power cuts don’t happen very often, but when they do they can be worrying, especially to vulnerable people. They have set up a Priority Services Register which vulnerable people can sign up to, that enables them to be identified quickly and help them if there is a major power cut. There are leaflets to be completed for the extra support. Zoe Brown asked if forms could be handed out at a village event. All were happy for Zoe and Chris Brown to promote this at village events and to talk to people on a one to one basis.

Request from SNC to place a textile recycling bank at the village hall:
It was agreed that as we already have one we do not need another one and we do not have the room for one either.

To approve payments to be made:
Payments made:
Zoe Whiting, Clerk salary for January 2017 - £72.29
Jackie Ellis, Clerk salary for February 2017 - £72.29
A copy of up to date Accounts summary was circulated to all members.

To receive items for the next agenda:

  • Organisation of Parishes
  • Recycling Equipment
  • Potential areas for Wild Flower Meadow

Zoe Brown spoke about the plans for Alburgh Primary School temporary class room and asked whether the parish council will support the plans.

The path along this side of the field by the village hall and just along the inside of the hedge – there is a lot of dog mess along this area. This is not a public footpath so a sign cannot be put up. It was agreed to put a general notice in the parish magazine asking people to clear up their dog mess.

On Bungay turn – there is no Give Way line. Terry Hanner will contact Highways.

Hedge on Trunch Hill is coming out on to the road. Terry Hanner will speak to Richard Bond asking him to cut it back.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11th April 2017 at 8.00pm in Denton village hall.

Close of Meeting. Peter Hill thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 10.05pm.

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