Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 8.00pm in Denton Village Hall.

NB These are Draft minutes and subject to change at the next meeting.

Present: Councillors: Peter Hill (Chair), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chair), Peter Grant, Roger Gibson.
Also present: Dr. M. Gray, (District Councillor), Mrs. M. Stone (County Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk),
1 member of the public.

Welcome by the Chairman.

To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Kerry Norfolk, Terry Hanner and Zoe Brown sent their apologies which were accepted.

To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the March 2017 meeting were approved and signed by Peter Hill, Chairman, as a correct record.

The meeting was adjourned from 8.06 pm to 8.20 pm for public participation:
A member of the public asked about Rainbows End. This was discussed as in correspondence below.

Reports from County and District Councillors:
Dr. M. Gray gave the following report:

  • Grants from SNC – Dr. Gray has £1000 available to spend within his ward which comprises of 5 parishes. Therefore each parish has £200 available to spend.
  • Community Action Fund - £50,000 available for the whole district. An organisation can apply for up to £15,000 which has to go through Dr. Gray. Funding dates are In June and October.
Margaret Stone gave the following report:
  • Community Foundation – There may be funding available from this. Mrs. Stone will send the details to the clerk.
  • Update on Children: Schools and Social Care, School exclusions.
  • Adult social services £8 million over budget at the end of the financial year. Government has given more money to be used on this service.
  • A Pilot Scheme has been working and has been effective – The Fire service is working with the Ambulance service when an urgent call comes in.
  • A143 major ridges across Highway near Ellingham junction. The ridges have been repaired and the road will be resurfaced.

To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:

Letter from SNC re: Rainbows End, Norwich Road, Denton. Proposal: The existing use of land/field for the keeping of pygmy goats and horses and the associated buildings/structures used in conjunction with this use.
An application has been received by the Council for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the above development. The application differs from a planning application in that it is seeking to prove that the development concerned has taken place for a sufficient period of time before the date of the application to become lawful.
This was discussed and the clerk will respond to South Norfolk with our comments.

Playing Field Report:
Roger Gibson carried out the inspection. All was in good order.
The next inspection is to be carried out by Kerry Norfolk and Kay Wiltshire kindly offered to take the folder to her.

To discuss Community Governance Review:
The review begins with a consultation period until 12 June. There is a survey to complete on line if any person wishes to. The survey can also be completed by residents. This will go on the website. We will complete this survey at our next meeting.

Organisation of Parishes:
Discussions on boundaries. Peter Hill will mark on a map our thoughts and this will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Compost Equipment:
There are people who would like to carry on with the scheme.
There is a shredder that is not being used at present. Discussions on whether to hire this out or sell it. It was agreed to retain this for now until it is decided whether a new scheme is going to be set up.

Potential areas for Wild Flower Meadow:
Peter Hill said that there are two areas to be considered; there is a rough area between the playing field and the wood and also the ‘Pocket Park’. ,br This is something to be considered for the future.

Welcome letter to recent arrivals:
Peter Hill has a letter to send to new arrivals. It was agreed on who to send this to.

To discuss 30 mph speeding zone:
The 30mph Wheelie Bin stickers have arrived and Kay Wiltshire has distributed these.

To discuss and comment on planning application::
Mr. Ken Ashton, Stonycroft, Norwich Road, Denton – Proposal: Replace timber frame workshop with new steel frame workshop.
No councillor has any objection and approved the application.

To approve payments to be made:
Payments made:
Jackie Ellis, Clerk salary for March 2017 - £86.09
HMRC Paye £54.00
A copy of up to date Accounts summary was circulated to all members.
It was agreed to increase the clerk’s salary from April 2017 to £9.30 per hour.

To receive items for the next agenda, including any other business:
Kay Wiltshire informed us on behalf of Terry Hanner the 3 long standing trustees of the Denton Relief in Need Charity are stepping down to be replaced by Helen Sida Page, Margaret Parsons and David Godsmark.
There were no objections.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 9th May 2017 at 7.30 pm in Denton village hall.

Close of Meeting. Peter Hill thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.46 pm.

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