Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

The Parish Magazine

Alburgh & Denton Parish News

Denton shares its parish magazine with the neighbouring village of Alburgh. This reflects the the close links (and friendly rivalry!) between the two villages who also share a primary school and a rector. To avoid any dispute the title occasionally alternates between "A&DPN" and "D&APN".

The magazine has been published every month since its foundation in 1970 and contains information about everything that is happening in the two villages. It is paid for by modest subscriptions, now £6 per year, and advertising. The magazine is organised by a small Management Committee with members from both villages including representatives of the two Churches, the Chapel and both Parish Councils. It is distributed by a team of volunteers. Circulation hovers around 300.

In its early years, while providing lots of useful information, it was primarily a religious publication. The links with the Church and Chapel have continued with, for example, a regular report from the Rector, but the content is now much more diverse.

Distribution queries should be address to: Alburgh, Daphny Gladden-Fenn 788191 or Denton, Doris Lambert 788216.
Enquiries about new subscriptions should be addressed to the Treasurer: Anne Carden, 788279.

Items for inclusion, including advertising, and any comments on the content should be addressed to the Editor.
All communications should be addressed to

The deadline for hand-written contributions is normally the 16th of each month and for electronic submissions the 18th. However it would greatly assist the editor if, wherever possible, contributions could be sent in early in the month and not left until the last moment.

The Committee has adopted a Privacy Policy to cover Subscribers and Advertisers.
This can be inspected HERE

Cover Pages

Recenly the old, boring, plain covers for the magazine have been replaced by much more intersting, topical colour photographs.
The latest appears here -

Previous Covers

Earlier covers can be seen HERE.


Since its foundation the magazine has relied on a succession of distinguished local editors. Their names are recorded below.

  • 1970 to 1982 – Jane Pearce.
  • 1982 to 1983 – Sue Russell.
  • 1983 to 1984 – Denise Ziman.
  • 1984 to 1986 – Sue Russell.
  • 1986 to 1988 – Sue Taylor.
  • 1988 to 1992 – Elizabeth Cargill.
  • 1992 to 1992 – Jane Denny.
  • 1994 to 1996 – Tracy Wright.
  • 1996 to 2008 – Hilda Thomas.
  • 2008 to 2010 – John Carslake.
  • 2010 to 2022 – Keith Dunbar.
  • 2022 to 2022 – Jason Collins.
  • 2022 to 2022 – Helen Sida-Page.
  • 2023 to date – Mark Richards and Elizabeth Cargill.

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