Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

The Village Hall

Denton Village Hall 2017

A Brief History

The Hall on Norwich Road – Postcode IP20 0BD – was originally constructed in 1924 and has been extended and refurbished at various times (the Bar was added in 1993, following the closure of the last pub in the village, and the Games Room in 2004). However, it has retained much of its original character and is well used by residents of the village.

A recent further phase of improvement has provided another extension and replaced the old community bus garage at the south end of the hall. It provides another room for meetings and greatly improved facilities behind the stage. It is fully equipped for a variety of uses.
The latest improvements have built new toilet accommodation and extended the bar area.

The three main stages of expansion can be seen in the picture above with the Committee Room on the left, the original Hall in the centre, and the Bar and Games Room on the right.

Further information about the Hall's development through the years is available on the Hall's History Page.

How it is run?

The hall is a registered charity (No. 1031442) for the benefit of the residents of Denton. There is a Management Committee, made up of volunteers, which is responsible for running the building and facilitating the activities that take place within it.
The Committee is made up of members elected at the Hall's Annual General Meeting and members nominated by the organisations that use the hall.
The AGM usually takes place in November each year.
All residents of the village aged 18 years of age and upwards are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
The Management Committee usually meets quarterly.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 4th November, when the following were elected as Officers and Committee.

Officers 2024/25

  • Chair - Terry Hanner
  • Vice Chair – Ian Cooper
  • Treasurer – David Godsmark
  • Bookings Secretary – Kath Hanner Tel: 01986 788414
  • Secretary - Sarah Batchelor

Committee Members 2024/25

Zoe Brown, Roger Gibson, Peter Grant, Lucy Hanner, Adrian Hipwell, Jason Kerr, Doris Lambert, Kathryn Luton, Phil Luton, Sam Norfolk, Kim Poulton, Mark Richards, Sara Richards, Helen Sida-Page, Jean Whipps, Annie Whiteman, Paul Wilby.

The 2024 AGM was held on Monday 4th November, followed by a meeting of the Committee.


The Committee organise a series of social events during the year which are open to all village residents. These normally include:

  • A Beetle Drive
  • A Whist Drive
  • A Quiz Night
  • A Summer Ball or Village Festival
  • The Village Supper in November
Details of these and other events held in the Hall appear in the Village Diary and in Coming Events.

Who Use The Hall?

It is available for private hire to residents of the village either on an hourly or daily basis and is used by the following village organisations and groups, all of whom welcome new members:

  • The Bar

    Bowls and Social Club - this is the group that runs the hall's Licensed Bar. This bar regularly opens for members every Friday evening from 7.00pm onwards with a meal normally provided on the Last Friday of the month. The membership fee is £1 per year.

    On other Fridays Mobile Pizza providers are in attendance at the Hall car park, normally from 5 or 6pm to 9pm.

    The bar is staffed by volunteers on a rota basis.
    The current 2024 Bar Rota appears on a separate page.

The Village Motto?

Of course almost every function or event that takes place in the village, from charity auction to sixtieth birthday party to the Summer Ball, takes place in the hall.
The Hall and especially the Bar make a vital contribution to the realisation of Denton's, unofficial, motto - "Ullus Excusatio Pro Compotatio".


Denton's Defibrillator unit, previously installed on the wall in the lobby/entrance of the Village Hall, is now located in a locked cabinet, outside, next to the front door.

Key-ring fobs bearing the access code, are being distributed to residents but the code can also be obtained from the Ambulance Service at any time by dialling 999.

The unit lifts out of the wall housing. The unit is currently in a carry sleeve so there are two short straps on either side of the unit which should be unfastened (press studs) and the outer case opened where specified.
Inside the carry case lid there is a black bag which contains, if required, scissors (for cutting clothes) razor (for shaving hairy chests) gloves and CPR mask. The main unit is then opened by depressing the white catch at the front.
The unit then goes into automatic mode and talks you through the procedure, the same instructions appear as text on the screen.

A video about the unit which demonstrates how it is used, and (despite its US origins!) is well worth watching, is available on Youtube.

Christmas Cards

In recent years a large board has been erected in the Hall in December for residents to put up their Christmas card to friends and neighbours in the village. The scheme removes the need to send individual cards locally, with an appropriate donation to charity instead. So far our chosen charity has always been the Bwindi Orphanage in Uganda.

Residents can put up their own cards on the board when the Hall is open, or just leave it in the DVH post box (to the left of the front door). Cheques (made payable to Denton Village Hall) can also be left in the post box but cash should not be left there. Alternatively, cash donations can be handed to any other member of the DVH committee or placed in a donation box behind the Bar.

Unfortunately, in 2020 the Covid-19 restrictions made the normal system impossible. A limited number of cards were displayed in the windows of the Hall but, with none of the usual Christmas events, there were few opportunities for people to view them!

Monthly Meals

Regular meals for residents are organised in the Hall, normally on two occasions in each month.

Tuesday Lunch Club

Lunches are provided by the Lunch Club on the second Tuesday of each month.
At 12.30. Two courses, for £5, Children £2. Further details from Doris Lambert - 788216.

Last Fridays

A evening meal is provided on the last Friday of each month.
Further details.


If you would like more information about what activities currently take place at the hall or need details of hire charges etc. or wish to enquire about bookings, contact Kath Hanner–: 01986 788414.

Welcome to Denton Village Hall

All Hirers of the Hall are asked to read the Information provided on a separate Page.

Denton Village Hall - Terms & Conditions of Hire

To be completed by all Hirers of the Hall. Copy Here.

Safeguarding Policy

The Management Committee have published a Policy Statement for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.

Further details are provided on a Separate Page.

Health & Safety Policy

Details are provided on a Separate Page.

Risk Assessment

The Committee's current policy can be seen Here.

Fire Risk Assessment

The latest Report, dated June 2023, can be seen Here.

The Village Noticeboard

Opposite the Village Hall, the Noticeboard still provides a valuable source of information for Denton residents.

It is constructed with three panels. The central panel, which is glazed and locked, is reserved for official notices and is managed by the Parish Council but the two open side panels are available for anyone to publicise local events etc. (You are advised to bring your own drawing-pins.) As usual the only requirement is to ensure that posters etc. are removed once the event is over!

The Marquees

The Management Committee have purchased a number of small marquees for use at local functions. These are available for hire by village residents. This facility relies on a team of volunteers who erect and take down the marquees.

Further details are provided on a separate page.

Denton Village Hall's latest extension is a games room with patio and garden outside

The Games Room Extension, patio and garden outside, completed in 2004.

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